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Summary of Our Project

     The category we chose is Local Leaders. Our project is about a weightlifting coach, Chen Chia-Ling, who has been developing weightlifting in our school, community, and our city for many years. Ms. Chen is a single parent with two children. She trains not only her two children, but also some students with poor academic performance, to be weightlifters.  Because of this, she allows students with low academic achievement to find a way out.

     This project echoes this year's theme, Protect and Unite in two ways. Protect : As a single parent, Ms. Chen protects her family and cultivates her twins as weightlifters.  As a coach, she trains the weightlifters with professionals and protects them from injury.  Unite: Ms. Chen organizes our school's weightlifting team.  Her training methods unite the hearts of all of our school's  athletes, and helps all the weightlifters achieve good results for the school and for our city.  As the manager of the Workout Base, Ms. Chen welcomes everyone who loves fitness to workout in the base, and she is always the great spokesperson to promote weightlifting.  


Photographer: Chen, Wei-Yi (Teacher of Chen-Kuo Junior High School)
Chen, W. (n.d.). 桃園市立建國國中.

Description of Our Community

Our community is located at the back of Taoyuan Railway Station. Compared to the area in front of the railway station, our community is growing more slowly.  Most families in our community are working class, so parents here feel that education is important because only with good education can their children have greater chance to be in the upper-class.

Description of Our School

It has 77 classes and is a large school with more than 2,700 students. All offices are equipped with computer equipment for teaching and school administration.  Three computer classrooms in our school provide students with learning and training

Our Computer / Internet Access

Most students have Internet access at home.  Wi-Fi is available in our school.  Because our city promotes online learning, network equipment and online learning equipment are all under construction. 

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